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Gabriola Fire Protection Improvement District
Freedom of Information Policy

a. This policy is intended to provide the policies and procedures necessary for the release of information by the Gabriola Fire Protection Improvement District (GFPID) to the public. This policy is designed to:

•define routinely available records;
•provide guidelines regarding the release of non-routinely available records;
•protect the privacy of individuals; and
•ensure compliance with the FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT [RSBC 1996] CHAPTER 165, (the “Act”) as amended.


a. Routinely available records are available without a formal request.
b. Schedule ‘A’ attached provides a list of documents that are routinely available upon request.
c. Routinely available records must be made available for viewing at the GFPID offices and may be made available on the GFPID website.
d. No original documents may be removed from the Corporate Office.
e. Viewing of documents shall occur at a time arranged between the applicant and the Corporate Officer.
f. Fees for copies of routinely available records shall be applied as set out in the Act.
g. The Corporate Officer shall keep a ledger consisting of the date and item requested.


a. Non-routinely available records are covered by the Act.
b. The Act requires disclosure of existing records containing information, not the production of new records to comply with an information request.
c. Some records may be (or must be) restricted from access by the general public, including records containing:
•personal information;
•information being considered in confidence;
•information subject to solicitor-client privilege;
•information harmful to law enforcement or the interests of the general public if disclosed; and
•information harmful to third-party business interests if disclosed.
•or as designated in the Act.


a. The Chair of the Board of Trustees is designated as the Head for the purposes of the Act.
b. The Board hereby designates the Chair to be the Information and Privacy Coordinator (the Coordinator) of the Gabriola Fire Protection Improvement District.
c. The Board hereby authorizes the Coordinator to perform the duties or exercise the functions of the Head under the Act.


Schedule ‘A’ Routinely Available Records*
•Annual Reports
•Minutes of Annual and Special General
•Meetings (once approved)
•Audited Financial Statements
•Minutes of Committee meetings (once approved) (Exception: 1)
•Minutes of District Board meetings (once approved) (Exception: 1)
•Correspondence Sent and Received by the Board (Exception 1 and 2)
•District Board and Committee agendas (Exception: 1)
•Public Notices
•District Board Trustee List
•Referendum and other Voting results
•Election results Resolutions (Exception: 1)
•Letters Patent

*All personal information will be severed from routinely available records. Exception 1: refers to an in-camera (closed) meeting. Exception 2: refers to correspondence to and from individual ratepayers.


June 2024

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